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Previews a SIA module in a standalone development environment. See the details below.


  module_id = NULL,
  ui_imports = NULL,
  server_imports = NULL,
  ui_elements = sia_head_tag(),
  save_and_document = TRUE,
  load = TRUE,
  proj = curr_proj(),



character, name of the module to preview (including the prefix). If NULL (the default), all modules discovered by get_modules() are listed and you are asked to pick one.


list, UI objects exported from the {ShinyItemAnalysis} app. Not used at the moment.


list, reactive objects exported from the {ShinyItemAnalysis} app. See the Details.


elements to include in fluidPage, preferably packed in tagList().


logical, whether to save all unsaved files (only available in RStudio) and document the package. Defaults to TRUE. Note that documenting the package is necessary if you use any functions from external packages (to produce the NAMESPACE).


logical, whether to load your package before running the module preview. Defaults to TRUE. Note that you have to load the package by yourself or install it in the usual way if you set this to FALSE.


character, a path to the project. Defaults to current project.


Arguments passed on to shiny::shinyApp


A function that will be called before the app is actually run. This is only needed for shinyAppObj, since in the shinyAppDir case, a global.R file can be used for this purpose.


Named options that should be passed to the runApp call (these can be any of the following: "port", "launch.browser", "host", "quiet", "display.mode" and "test.mode"). You can also specify width and height parameters which provide a hint to the embedding environment about the ideal height/width for the app.


A regular expression that will be applied to each GET request to determine whether the ui should be used to handle the request. Note that the entire request path must match the regular expression in order for the match to be considered successful.


Can be one of "url", "server", or "disable". The default value, NULL, will respect the setting from any previous calls to enableBookmarking(). See enableBookmarking() for more information on bookmarking your app.


Shiny app object of class shiny.appobj.


The function takes module's function bindings and puts (or evaluates) them inside a bare bone shiny::shinyApp(). By default, a customized head tag is injected in order to mimic the "environment" of full {ShinyItemAnalysis} app. See sia_head_tag() for more details. Besides, a onSessionEnded hook is set to call shiny::stopApp() after the client disconnects, so the "process" is automatically quit after you close the preview in your browser or RStudio viewer.

In order to use the function bindings, preview_module() attempts to load your package without the actual installation by default. Note that you have to install the package as usual for {ShinyItemAnalysis} to detect your modules.

Using objects from the {ShinyItemAnalysis} app

Note that this "emulated" preview environment is really meant to test the basic UI layout and functionality and is not able to receive any object from {ShinyItemAnalysis} app. However, you can pass any object like {ShinyItemAnalysis} does to server_imports argument manually. For further details and examples, please refer to vignette("imports", "SIAtools") vignette.

See also

Other module management functions: add_module(), get_modules(), remove_module()


if (interactive()) {